Lisa was diagnosed in June 2017 with Stage3C Endometrial Cancer.
She endured several surgeries and months of aggressive chemotherapy. When she completed her Cancer treatments, Lisa was scheduled to have 8 weeks of radiation. But, after a bone marrow biopsy, determined that Lisa had a genetic defect which resulted in her neutropenia, her immune system was just not strong enough to undergo the radiation treatments.

Told by her oncologist to go home and “live her life,” Lisa, for the first time, since her diagnosis, fell into depression. You see, Lisa dove right into survival mode when she was first diagnosed. Always having a positive mindset and a smile on her face, she was now faced with the reality that if her cancer came back, she may not be able to survive conventional treatments.
Through her drive and positive mindset practices, Lisa threw herself into researching and studying holistic modalities geared towards preventing a Cancer reoccurrence and boosting her immune system. She attended Cancer conventions, both holistic and conventional, interviewed hundreds of cancer patients, and threw herself into her studies. She learned how Nutrition plays a pivotal role in supporting the immune system, which facilitates healing, recovery and rejuvenation. Fast forward to today, Lisa is now a proud Certified Functional Nutrition Coach, Certified Radical Remission Hope Coach, Holistic Cancer Coach, Podcast Speaker, and Patient Advocate. Lisa considers her passion for helping people with cancer the enormous blessing that has resulted from her own diagnosis and journey. In addition to coaching Cancer Patients, teaching them how nutrition plays an important role in recovering, and healing from cancer, Lisa also facilitates Radical Remission Workshops and a leads a large cancer support group at her local church. Lisa understands how isolating cancer can be, and she created a cancer support group that fills each member with positivity, hope, compassion, faith and education.
Lisa is often heard saying, “I truly wake up every day and ask God to put someone in my path that is struggling with their cancer diagnosis and healing.” In her spare time, Lisa enjoys researching Cancer, reading, and spending time with her family. Lisa believes in the importance of “self care days,” where she spends time walking the beach, forest bathing, working out at the gym, and visiting fresh produce markets.

Lisa is an Inspirational Public Speaker, and her passion is to motivate people to embody her tenets of healing. Her empathy is evident in the time and care she gives her clients. She defines herself as a well respected, empathetic Holistic Cancer Coach, Certified Functional Nutrition Coach and Certified Radical Remission Hope Coach.Her mission is the change the world of Cancer Healing one Cancer Patient at a time. You can hear Lisa’s healing story on the Radical Remission Project Podcast.
If you were searching for someone with deep compassion, someone to help encourage you, support you, teach you how to use Nutrition and Anti- Cancer foods to heal from cancer, please give Lisa a call today!
“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be like food.”
— Hippocrates