1-on-1 Coaching
It is relatively common for cancer patients to feel disempowered by their own diagnosis and subsequent treatment options. Just hearing the word “cancer” can ensue a plethora of emotions, which can often be unmanageable.. During our 1:1 Coaching Sessions, we will work together to obtain your personal wellness goals and devise a sustainable action plan.
During our 1:1 Coaching sessions, I will teach you how to support yourself nutritionally, which can have a huge impact on your own body’s ability to heal after a cancer diagnosis. We will work together to integrate the 10 healing factors of Radical Remission into your Wellness Plan. These 1:1 Coaching sessions are suited for anyone newly diagnosed with cancer, someone healing from cancer, have a loved one battling cancer, or a survivor.
I know first hand as a Cancer Survivor and someone who has struggled with a compromised immune system, how isolating, overwhelming and downright exhausting it is when you were faced with a potentially life-threatening illness or chronic disease. I have experienced both. But you don’t have to walk through this alone!! With the utmost compassion, I will guide you through your healing journey and help you to “take back your life” after cancer!!
This 1:1 Coaching offers personalized support through Zoom Coaching Sessions and text support. You will also be welcomed into my private Facebook group “Take your life back after cancer,” and welcome to my Monthly Cancer Support meetings. Book your free 30 minute discovery call today and we will discuss your needs and find the perfect coaching program that best suits you.